3 Headaches Cured with Optimized Scanning

Most people that work in offices are familiar with the standard functions of a copy machine.  Scan, fax, and print are the primary roles of these devices and most everyone understands what these roles entail.  However, what many people do not realize is how some of those processes can be streamlined in ways that enhance profit and reduce time investment.

Good scanning strategies and practices offer a fantastic example of how optimizing integrated processes can result in a boost in efficiency and reduce overhead costs.

So how exactly can good scanning practices help your manage or optimize your business workflow?

  1. Compression – One of the biggest headaches faced by numerous business verticals is having files that are large and slow to load.  Finance, legal, accounting, and healthcare are just a few of the fields where large documents and files are stored and accessed with great regularity.  By utilizing compression software such as PremierCOMPRESSION, you can automatically compress file sizes as they are scanned into your database.  This greatly reduces the amount of time it takes to load a file while simultaneously reducing the amount of space you use to save vital data.  Using quality compression software offers a night and day experience to business people that need to access large files regularly.  Furthermore, studies have shown in numerous verticals that there is money to be saved by minimizing file sizes since it allows people to invest less in storing data.
  2. Accessibility – The next headache that good scanning practices can help alleviate is user access.  Even if you have compressed files, they can still be long and wordy and time consuming to read through.  By implementing a full-suite scanning solution, you can make your documents searchable in PDF format.  This is another feature that is popular with organizations that work in the legal, medical, or the financial vertical.  Having the freedom and flexibility to search archived documents with specific data saves time and frustration for people that need to regularly find or reference dated information.
  3. Integration – The last headache that a good scanning solution addresses is organization and workflow.  The key component to this strategy is healthy and responsible software integration.  Since there are hundreds of business optimization platforms available and no two are the same, it is vital to employ a scanning solution that can communicate and integrate with your working processes and systems.  Many free or online compression and scanning tools have challenging limitations when it comes to integration.  Solutions like Panasonic’s PremierCOMPRESSION, allow you to quickly and easily integrate with functional software and workflows.  What is more, these processes can be automated on installation to cater to the exact needs of your business.

Overall, there are a multitude of good reasons to investigate how scanning solutions can help your business.  However, the above three features address common daily headaches faced by millions of working people everyday.  The savings in both time and cost more than justify implementing a proper scanning strategy.

To get started or to learn more about what scanning solutions can do to help your business, give us a call to set up a product demonstration.