How CBS Is Helping Businesses Adapt To A Post-Covid Workplace

It is no secret that the last few months have forever changed the way we approach, and do business.  Fortunately, many of these adjustments are helping reluctant business owners find justification in trying out new technology and solutions.  In an effort to make these adjustments as painless and efficient as possible, CBS has been a leader in the Denver market in offering reliable and innovative solutions to help workers and businesses adapt to a changing workplace.

While we are beginning to return to a more normal sense of life and business, some of the services we have rolled out in response to the Covid pandemic will continue to be available.  Three of our more popular service offerings include our in-house printing services, dropship program for plug-and-play desktop devices, and our scalable MNS Gold program.

In-House Printing:

After Covid struck, we noticed that there was an increased need for quick access to printing devices.  While most work and correspondence can be finished and transferred safely via digital mediums, there is still a prevalent need for getting documents printed.

While we do not have the capacity or desire to offer a full-capability print shop, we do want our clients to have on-site access to the solutions and technology they need in a timely manner.   So for projects of an urgent nature, we are still available and happy to assist our clients with their printing needs.  For more information on pricing or how to set up a project please click HERE.

Ricoh Dropshiping:

Another part of people losing access to printing technology was the need for new devices in home offices and remote work spaces.  In response, we started our Ricoh dropship program for plug-and-play devices to keep printing demands properly met.  With this program, we were able to quickly get new machines to home offices fast and without any physical contact.

Since, like most professional analysts, we expect a shift in business to a more remote daily experience, we are going to continue to make this service available.  It allows for us to provide reliable new technology to our clients quickly and with minimal or no personal contact.

Managed Network Services – Gold:

Last but not least, we rolled out our MNS Gold platform.  This allows for businesses to roll out I.T. solutions that are scaled more closely to resemble their daily operations and needs.  Most importantly, these scaled back solutions allow more remote workers to have responsible I.T. solutions and security in place without making a large investment.

Offering scalable solutions that fit the direct needs of our clients is a goal that we aim for on a daily basis.  However, managed network services is complex and unique to every business so our expectation and goal is to continue to further evolve how we approach and offer managed network services to our clients.  Our I.T. division at CBS truly has a very exciting future as we continue to grow and expand the countless ways we serve our clients.

Adjusting back to normal business will come with its own unique set of unexpected challenges.  However, just as we helped support our clients work from their homes, we will be there to help get them back to the office.